Monday, November 01, 2004

The Monsters' Ball photographs.

The Monsters' Ball seems to have been a great success, although somewhat fewer people came than we expected.
The photographs below are in standard blogging order, running from the earliest at the botton to the latest at the top. I suggest you look at them in that order. (You can click on any photo to get a larger view, suitable to download for printing.)
Please do not take offence at any of the comments as posted. They are not intended seriously and bear no particular reference to the photograph they accompany.

We had a few requests for the "Blood Shake" recipe. We made it as follows:
For the blood, take 12 very but not over ripe bananas, peel them and process with the juice of 3 medium sized beetroot. (You can also add the juice of red dragon fruit if in season.)
Take about 100 ml of the above blood and mix to taste with 1 to 2 liters of freshly squeezed orange juice. Enjoy!

For those who enjoyed our old fashioned Mead, (Honey Wine,) we have something over 300 litres available for private sale at 100 Baht per liter, or 1,500 Baht for a 20 Liter cask. Please contact us if you would like some!

Winding down. Last surviving meat on the hoof!

Fattening him up

The surviving helpers in a feeding frenzy.

Now, where is that other eye?

Zombie finally under control!

Guess what the cakes are made of?

Baby monsters blow candles as daddy monster looks on.

Who'se offspring tast better. Note the jug of blood shake on the bar table.

Hope we won't be seen if we hide in this corner. Dismemberment came later.

Vamps vamping beautifully.

Fed up with maddened chickens, Children are much safer and better on the grill.

They just grew there. Don't know who planted them. Flew away before the end.

Practicing Zombie control. Hopefully he will have it down by next year.

She lost her broomstick and is worrying about getting home.

Cat attacking the salad.

Barside discussions -

Lone catmonstress looks at potential prey.

King Vamp watches over the face painters.

Mummy does not accept teachers' feeding habits.

Taking food to caged monster. (Note later photo missing arm!)

The bat tries his lines on the fairy. She is NOT impressed!

Arm support - Not guilty. Prior to monsterdom!

Test flying rig. Take off much easier from here, (note the open roof

Keeping the Monsters in!